WP set category to post within SQL
I have a stored procedure and want put posts in the MySQL event to some category (such Archive).
wp_term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id)
table has link between object_id (post id) and term_taxonomy_id (category id).
To get category by name use query:
SELECT termtaxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
FROM wp_terms AS terms
JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS termtaxonomy ON terms.term_id = termtaxonomy.term_id
WHERE terms.name = 'Archive';
To link post with category:
insert into wp_term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id) values (post_id, category_id);
In addition add update query to update posts count on categories adminpanel:
update wp_term_taxonomy set count
=(SELECT count(*) FROM wp_term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = category_id) where term_taxonomy_id = category_id;
post_id, category_id - external variable values.