Tools and Technologies
- AWS, Java 11, Spring Boot, Selenium, JUnit, Apache Tomcat, Jenkins, Hibernate, JDBC, Apache Maven, Gradle, Liquibase, Mockito, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Git, Linux, Bash-scripting, Vue.js
Java development
- Initial configuration of SpringBoot + Hibernate + SQL application;
- Develop REST API with complex relations (Layers: Controllers, Services, Repositories);
- Prepare Liquibase migration SQL scripts;
- Write jUnit 5 tests for testing methods;
- Write integration tests to test endpoints in SpringBoot test environment (mem db H2, mockMvc);
- Write jMeter tests to test endpoints in batch mode (make a lot scenarios to test REST API with different test data);
- Configure AWS Dev/Stage environments to run developed services on client's side (S3, EC2, ALB, ASG, RDS, ...);
- Setup and configure Jenkins server, create pipelines to support project (pipelines: update Develop, update Stage, make short tests, make full tests, update Prod manually, internal service pipelines);
Quality Assurance
- Write jUnit and integration tests for REST API (Java SpringBoot);
- Write Automation tests via jMeter (make a lot of scenarios to test REST API: login, test user API or teams API or products API …, logout);
- Write Automation tests via Selenium Driver with Chrome browser (make a lot of scripts to test the frontend part: Open login page, do login, open user’s card, change data, test changing, logout, … etc…).