Python get wind speed and direction and display them on the clock Task: Get wind speed and direction and display them on my clock’s screen Implementation: Result you can see on this… Continue reading “Python get wind speed and direction and display them on the clock”…
Python get CPU temperature and display it on image Task: Get CPU temperature and display it on my clock’s screen Implementation: Result you can see on this post image… Continue reading “Python get CPU temperature and display it on image”…
Python get disk free space in MB and display it on image Task: Get disk free space in MB and display it on my clock’s screen Implementation: Result you can see on… Continue reading “Python get disk free space in MB and display it on image”…
Python get weather and display it on image Task: Get current weather by city name and display it on my clock’s screen Implementation: Result you can see on… Continue reading “Python get weather and display it on image”…
Raspberry Pi as a clock Task: Display clock on the Raspberry Pi display Implementation with ‘epd’ library: 1. Create python application ( to display date… Continue reading “Raspberry Pi as a clock”…