How to decode file from cp866 to utf on Mac Task: decode text files in bash from cp866 to uff Implementation: Use next command: iconv -f cp866 -t utf-8 <… Continue reading “How to decode file from cp866 to utf on Mac”…
How to remove Docker popup message to create symlink at startup OsX Task: Docker Desktop wants to create symlink. Remove it or disable it appears. Solution: Open ~/Library/Group\ Containers/ and set “authDeclinedInstallSettings”:… Continue reading “How to remove Docker popup message to create symlink at startup OsX”…
How to open finder window with current path Task: Open finder window with current path in the terminal Implementation: Use next command: open . Done. Continue reading “How to open finder window with current path”…
Netbeans How to create multicursor editing Task: Create few cursors in the edit window. Solution: Use: Ctrl+Shift+Click keys or Command+Shift+Click keys on Mac. Done. Continue reading “Netbeans How to create multicursor editing”…
Javascript: Configure web page to open it in fullscreen mode Task: Add configuration to webpage to open it in fullscreen mode Implementation: 1. add manifest.json file with: 2. add using… Continue reading “Javascript: Configure web page to open it in fullscreen mode”…
Netbeans How to select vertical blocks Task: Mark vertical block (selection) in the Netbeans IDE. Solution: Use: Ctrl+Shift+R keys or Command+Shift+R keys on Mac. Done. Continue reading “Netbeans How to select vertical blocks”…
Java: dbUnit add support of jsonb type in the H2 mem db with Postgres mode Task: add support of json data type in the H2 mem db with Postgres mode Implementation steps: Add into maven/gradle… Continue reading “Java: dbUnit add support of jsonb type in the H2 mem db with Postgres mode”…
Java: Tests custom JSON comparator Task: Implement custom JSON comparator which will skip few fields JSON (Example) – marked fields should be skipped in the… Continue reading “Java: Tests custom JSON comparator”…
Java: JPA get column and field names map Task: Write methods to get column and field names map in the input Entity class Implementation: Done. Continue reading “Java: JPA get column and field names map”…
Java: Encrypt and encode string with public key Task: Write method to encrypt and encode string with public key Implementation: Done. Continue reading “Java: Encrypt and encode string with public key”…
Java: Prepare pem keys objects from strings Task: Prepare Personal, Public and Certificate keys from strings Implementation: Done. Continue reading “Java: Prepare pem keys objects from strings”…
Java: Find first file in the directory and return its name Task: Search files by mask and return first name Implementation: Done. Continue reading “Java: Find first file in the directory and return its name”…